IS-BAO or IS-BAH Audit

The International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) and International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) allows operators to meet the requirements of ICAO Annex 6 Part 2 and the EASA/OTAR's requirements for an Aviation Safety Management System.

We are fully qualified to conduct your IS-BAO audits quicker, faster and more cost-effective than any other organisation.

Scope of Operations authorised to audit include:
• Operations Management (OP) Audit,
• Maintenance Management (MX) Audit,
• Fixed Wing Operations (FW) Audit,
• Rotory Wing Operations (RW) Audit,
• Stage 3 (S) Audit,
• Progressive Stage 3 (PS3) Audit, and
• FlightPlan Stage 1 (FP) Audit.
• International Standard for Business Aircraft Handling (IS-BAH) Audit.

In the past few years, we conducted a total of 17 IS-BAO and IS-BAH audits for our clients.

Please contact us to discuss arranging an IS-BAO or IS-BAH audit.